atkins diet menu for induction phase

atkins diet menu for induction phase

hi there. it's eric bakker, naturopath fromnew zealand, author of candida crusher and formulator of the canxida range of dietarysupplements. thanks for checking out my video today. today, i'm going to teach you how toreally do a proper candida diet. we're going to go through different steps of my candidacrusher dietary approach. i've got a question here from a man calledjoel in chicago, in the united states, and joel is asking me if i can do a good, comprehensivevideo on the candida diet. joel wants to know about the anti-candida diet. he wants to knowsome candida recipes. he wants to know candida foods to eat, candida foods to avoid and allthose sorts of things. but before you check out my video, pleaseclick on the link in the description box below

this video to download your 13-page free's a report that i normally use for my new clients who come and see me with yeast infections.they will get this free report. it's also a part of my book. this report is worth atleast $20, if not more. it's yours for free. just click on the link below and it will takeyou to a page where you can download that free report. i think you'll find it quitehandy. joel, let's go into this candida crusher dietaryapproach. my candida diet approach really involves three stages. before i put peoplethrough the three stages, i generally like them to go through a big cleanup. so we'lltidy up the diet first. generally, the lifestyle and diet need a bit of a tidy up when peopleget serious about revitalizing their digestive

function. if they really want to get well,they need to make some changes, but i'm not about making changes very quick with people.i prefer that they slowly make change. slow changes and generally over a period of many,many weeks will usually mean that new habits become formed. new lifestyle and dietary habitsbecome formed. then when these become formed, slowly theybecome permanent in your life. and when these habits become permanent, it means that thesehealthy habits will ensure that you don't get a repeat of the old symptoms and thatyou stay well for life. that, to me, is what it's all about. not just eradicating symptomswith pills or eradicating symptoms with a diet, but building incredible health and wellnessthrough making life long permanent changes.

that's what we're all about. the big cleanupis something you can read about at, so be sure to check out's got about a thousand of my articles on that site.let's look at stage one first. stage one of the candida crusher diet approach is calledthe mevy diet, meat, eggs, vegetables and yogurt. let's look at that. let's look atwhat the mevy diet or the stage one approach really encompasses. the first thing we'vegot to do, of course, on the mevy, which you should have already done on the big cleanup,is to get rid of all the processed and junk foods out of your diet. if i go to your refrigeratorand open it up, am i going to find lots of jars and bottles there with all sorts of sweetsauces or foods that have been in there for

many days or even weeks, they all need togo into the garbage can. you need to get rid of all of those. have a good look at yourpantry and your kitchen bench and your freezer and start making some changes there. all ofthese things could do with a big cleanup themselves. cut back on the amount of foods that you buywhen you go out in terms of takeaway food. stopping off somewhere and buying a pizzaor getting donuts or getting foods that are highly processed, you need to stop these habits.because these are the habits that are not going to be really good if you want to recoverfrom a yeast infection or small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, what we call sibo. siboand candida often go hand in hand. avoid white sugar, white flour, soda drinks, takeawayfoods, beer, alcohol, wine, and all these

sorts of things in general. any kind of candiesor chocolates. these things all need to go. they just don't form any place in the digestivesystem if you want to recover from candida. include liberal amounts of fresh, unprocessed,and nutritional foods. a good thing to do is to go to the farmer's market. often you'llhave sort of markets around you, and people will grow fresh produce and take them to thesemarkets. this is a good opportunity for you to get really nice produce, rather than thesupermarket. you might have a green grocer around you that sells good quality can end up making good friends with these people and getting some really nice freshstuff off them. or if you wish, do what i do, grow a lot of your own food. and thatway, you've got really nice fresh food to

eat all the time. that's fantastic to do andat least you know it's chemical and spray free. there are no pesticides on it and thingslike that. when you do buy at the supermarket, as you'veheard before, buy around the perimeter of the supermarket where the fresh foods are,the meats and the vegetables, rather than the processed foods internally in the supermarketin all the aisles. because these foods are designed to last for days and weeks and evenmonths in your pantry. they're not really good for your digestion.avoid sugar and sugar-containing foods. lots of sauces you get, sweet chili sauce, shrimpsauce, oyster sauce, barbecue sauce, and tomato sauce, they all contain sugar. and this iswhy people like these things. they contain

sugar and salt. lots of people also eat waytoo much salt in their diet. salt does play a good role in our diet, but many people eatway too much salt. watch out for salted foods and crappy foods containing salt like potatochips and pretzels. salt is often craved by people with adrenal fatigue because they endup losing a lot of their sodium through the urine. they pee it out, so they need to eata lot of sodium. people under stress often like foods fullof sugar, salt and fat. when you start understanding the connection between stress and health andyou learn to relax a lot more, you'll find that your sodium and sugar drop right offin your diet and you can rely a lot more on fresh healthy wholesome foods. the fresherthe foods in terms of like nice green vegetables

and good quality lean meats, the better yourgut is going to be. these foods spoil quickly. they need to be cooked up and eaten. don'tstore foods in the fridge. i don't really need to go into all the detailon all the different kinds of vegetables you can eat and all the different kinds of fruitsyou can eat. you can read about that on i've written many articles on these. let'sjust do a brief look at the best kind of vegetables you can eat with candida. in my opinion, theseare the deep green colored vegetables, beans, celery, broccoli, and cabbage, many of thesesorts of foods. there are a lot of them you can get a hold of. be careful, initially,of the high starch carbohydrate foods like pumpkin, squash, peas, sweet corn, carrotsto a lesser extent, but those foods i just

mentioned, the sweet potato, the pumpkin.if you're in fall going into winter, you may tend to eat a lot of pumpkin and squash. thesefoods do have quite a high sugar content. so for the first three or four weeks goinginto the mevy diet, you want to cut out the high starch carbohydrate foods only if you'vegot bad candida. if you've got minor candida, you may not need to cut them out. sweet cornin spring/summer can be favored by a lot of people, too, and sweet corn can be a bit onthe sugary side. the deep leafy green colored vegetables to a lesser extent don't tend tohave so much of these sugars that candida can thrive on. this is only a considerationif you've got serious candida. bear that in mind.avoid most fresh fruits, avoid all fruit juices,

and avoid all dried fruits, including sultanas,figs, raisins, dates, those sorts of things. fresh fruits are okay, but let's just stickwith fruits like blueberries, pomegranates, avocados, kiwi fruit is not too bad, and agreen apple. i find green apple to be okay with most people with yeast infections. watchout for red apples. the fruits to particularly avoid are the very sweet fruits like melons,bananas, pineapple, grapes especially, so they're a very high sugar content. you needto avoid those for a considerable period of time.try not to eat the same foods every day. try to rotate the kind of foods that you eat.try to rotate the kind of proteins that you eat. don't eat beef every day or eat chickenevery single day. rotate them. it's really

good for your digestion to do that. it's alsogoing to be less challenging for your immune system. so when we take sugars out and rotatehealthy foods, your immune system will certainly pick up.let's look at the kind of meats you can eat. you may be a meat eater like me or you maybe a vegetarian, so we'll have a look at both of these kind of approaches. meats generallyare not favored at all by candida. you're not going to have a problem with fresh fish,lean beef, lamb, a very good protein source, and also free range eggs. free-range eggsand free-range chicken are certainly preferable over commercial because they don't containantibiotics, arsenic, or chemicals like that. arsenic is a metal that is actually used asan antifungal on poultry food. if you're going

to get commercial poultry, you could haveall sorts of heavy metals or antifungals mixed in with the food or antibiotics sprayed onthe food. you won't get that with free range. free-range eggs are a very good source ofprotein. i think biologically they're probably the best protein you can eat in terms of theiramino acid content. fresh fish is exceptional, too, but try to avoid farm fish. canned sardinesand canned tuna are not too bad if they're packed in spring water. don't get too worriedabout the mercury content of tuna and fish like that. albacore tuna is quite safe toeat. have a look at some interesting information on the internet about fish that contains mercuryalso containing high selenium levels in general. unless you're eating shark, you should beokay with a lot of different ocean caught

species.we spoke about the different vegetables. we've talked about the fruits, so avoid the highsugar fruits. avoid fruit juices. avoid dried fruits. avoid high fat meats. i don't findpork or bacon to be particularly good meats to eat. so foods to avoid when it comes tomeat are processed meats, meats from the delicatessen, pastrami, salami, ham, those sorts of meatsare sort of crappy meats to eat. they're not really good. it's like those bits of cheesewith plastic around them. those plastic cheeses are junk.fermented foods and cultured foods, if you can incorporate them, are fantastic in themevy approach. sauerkraut, kim chee, kefir, kumis, there are many different kinds. youneed to find one of these foods that you like

and then try to incorporate small amountsinto your diet. this stage is very important; stage one, becausewhat we're doing is we're setting the stage for a diet that's going to start buildingup your health to a very high level. and also, educating you on good foods to eat and hopefullythis will be something you're not going to do just for a month or two, but lifelong.that's what i'd like you to do. this really, the induction phase is the mevy, getting youinto eating properly. this phase lasts anywhere from two to three weeks, up to three months.there are no time lines here. nothing is set in stone. be prepared in case you aggravate.if you aggravate on a healthy diet approach, you need to back off a little bit. you couldbe eating too much of one particular food.

you may not be chewing properly. you may beeating too much in general. you may not be relaxing enough. you may still be includingsome foods into your diet that are not really good. so just try to check out what you'redoing. you could be taking antifungal dietary supplements, too much of it and killing tooquick when your gut is in a transition state going from bad bacteria to good be patient and kind on yourself. don't push yourself too hard.let's talk about grains, breads, and things like that to eat. there is a lot of talk thatbread is no good on an anti-candida diet. this is not true. this is simply not true.i've worked with now close to 20,000 patients with gut problems and i can tell you now thatgluten is an issue with some people, but not

the majority. most people can tolerate somewheat in their diet, but we're not talking about five or six slices of commercially bakedbread with peanut butter or jam on them. if you want to have wheat in your diet, takeout the commercial bread first and go for flat bread. just plain whole meal flour orwater and a bit of salt made into a dough, rolled flat, and then baked on a griddle,a bit like a chipati. you can put nice salad on there. you can put shredded chicken onthere or some beef. this is a very healthy lunch to can do a similar thing with corn. you can do a similar thing with buckwheat, quinoa,these sorts of flours and grains are good to incorporate into your diet. but again,small amounts. you don't need large amounts

to start. don't really load your diet up topheavy with grains. but the same goes for loading up your diet top heavy on any food, too muchprotein, red meat, too much beans or legumes, too much vegetables. i see these youtube videosof people going like hard-core raw vegan and other people go hard-core red meat. anythinghard core is going to give you hard-core problems. it's all about moderation and balance. i preferto have small amounts of protein in the diet, a quality, balanced diet and larger amountsof vegetables. i think that, to me, is a more sensible asian doctor friend of mine once said that people in the western world have got it completelythe wrong way around. he said, "you people have large pieces of meat on the plate, smallvegetable." he said, "in japan, we have small

meat, large vegetable." clever idea.let's talk about rice. rice is good. brown rice in small amounts to start with. try brownbasmati. try wild rice, the black stuff, it's quite good. try to avoid the white rice. ifyou're eating a lot of white rice at the moment, mix it with brown, 60 brown, 40 white andslowly move to the brown. brown is a much better option. more b vitamins. more's a better grain for the gut, in general, to eat. so try to move away from the whiterice in general, but small amounts of rice are quite okay to have in your diet. not aproblem. quinoa also when cooked properly. it's nice cooked in chicken stock. it's verygood to incorporate with the candida diet approach. and again, small amounts, commonsense.

did you get constipated? did you get bowelproblems on the mevy approach? if you did, you may want to eat less meat in your diet.if you load up too much on protein, that could block you up. a long time ago when i workedwith patients on the atkins diet, i found in the induction phase, the first two weeks,many would get constipated. and that's because they ate too much fat and protein straightaway, and they didn't balance it with enough of the vegetables.the other thing i forgot to tell you is sprouts are fantastic to eat. in fact, i'm sproutingabout four different kinds of grains at the moment in my kitchen downstairs. i've gotmung beans, alfalfa beans, i've got these new zealand organic kind of beans, i'm notsure of the name of them, and i sprout them

all in these jars just with the lids withsome stainless steel mesh in them, and it's fantastic to incorporate into the diet becausethey're full of nutrition. i sprout them away from the sunlight, and then for the last dayor two, i finish them off in the light where they green up. these contain lots of folicacid and a huge amount of minerals and vitamins that really help to build up your can put sprouts into your diet, too. another good stick with this mevy approach for a few weeks. generally, the first three or fourweeks, you start to pick up and you'll feel better. after you've been on the mevy approachfor a little while, we're going to put you into the low allergy phase.the hyperallergenic phase is very clever is

what we're doing now is we've improved yourgut. we've removed the junk. we've put more enzymes, vitamins, and minerals into yourdiet. you're learning to chew properly. you're relaxing more. you're sleeping well. now,we're going to improve your immune function to a higher level by being more selectivewith the foods that could potentially challenge your immune system. we're going to take themout. this is very important because many people with sibo and candida have leaky gut or theyhave food allergies and food intolerances. if you haven't already done so, stage twoof the candida crusher approach, we're going to take out cow's milk. we're going to takeout most dairy products. butter is always fine. unsalted, good quality butter is fineto have. small amounts of mozzarella cheese

aren't too bad. parmesan and mozzarella, smallamounts are okay, but try to keep away from all the other cheeses if you can. don't gratecheese on everything. it's no good for your gut.take the cream out. yogurt is fine if it's a good quality sour acidophilus organic yogurt,preferably from a health food shop or make your own. a small bowl every night after dinneris good to have. kefir, small amounts of kefir, again, made from coconut milk is fine to the low allergy phase, dairy generally be cautious. take cow's milk out. take outbananas, pineapple, and oranges. those three fruits are very strongly allergenic with manypeople. limes and lemons are fine, but take out mandarins, tangelos, cumquats, and thatsort of citrus category, take them out. chocolate

gone. you've got to get rid of chocolate.don't argue with me. just take chocolate out of your diet. take raw cacao out of your dietfor at least three or four weeks. take stevia out if you've got serious candida, take steviaand xylitol out as well for the first month and then slowly incorporate them back in.the low allergy phase also means no sugar even more so. now, you've got to be even tougheron yourself and really drill down that sugar because sugar can really affect your immunesystem. research at cornell university years ago found that within five minutes of consumingsmall amounts of white refined sugar, the neutrophil or the white blood cell count droppedright off. we don't want for you to get any kind of infection. we don't want you to setup any allergies or hypersensitivities. and

you'll achieve that by just cleaning up yourdiet even more in stage two. when you've gone through stage two, afterthree or four weeks, you should be starting to feel pretty darn good. and most of my patientscome back and say, "i'm feeling fantastic." when you're feeling great at this stage, thenyou're starting to think about the re-implementation or phase three, the food introduction diet.stage one and two together in i'd say 75 percent of cases is anywhere between four weeks toabout six to eight weeks, but there is no time limit. i've got some patients that stayon the mevy diet for a year before they go into the re-implementation.with the third stage, it's mandatory, just like the first stage. you have to do thesestages. the second stage is not mandatory,

but it's clever to do if you've been sickfor a long time. we're now returning your diet back to normal. that's why i call site getting you back to normal because we want you to have a normalhealthy gut, so you can have a normal healthy what i want you to do is carefully test the foods. i want you to get a piece of paperand write down all the foods that you eat. the foods that you may have taken out previous,including candy, ice cream, beer, wine, pretzels, whatever you've had, any kind of crap thatyou've had in your diet. write everything down on a piece of paper. and then behindeach food selection or drink selection, you're going to write 1, 2 or 3, so you've got anothersmall column you make down the right side

of that food.three are the foods you love the most. two are the foods that you really enjoy eating.three, obviously, is the stuff that you really love. and one is the foods you can give ortake. let's say put one with broccoli. let's put two with something like chicken, and let'sput three with ice cream or beer or pretzels or whatever it is that you love to, the foods that you're going to introduce � if you're not already eating them � arethe foods with one. so the foods that you can give or take go first into your diet.and then you incorporate one or two foods at a time for a period of three days, fourdays or up to a week. and then once you've implemented most of those foods, you can moveto the grade two foods. implement those again

very gently and slowly. and the foods youbring last into your diet are the third grade. these are the foods you love the most, sodon't be in a hurry to bring the beer back. don't be in a hurry to bring the wine back.if you start immediately introducing these foods again, you could set up a leaky gut,burping, bloating, gut problems. and before you know it, the candida grows back againand you've got big problems. you'll get anxiety or disappointed and then you'll email me saying,"this is a crap approach. it doesn't work." this approach does work. i can guarantee itworks because i've used this program now for over 20 years with thousands and thousandsof patients. it's a sound protocol. if you follow it properly, it works.the big thing we haven't discussed because

we're talking about the candida diet is thelifestyle. now, we can't spend 20 minutes in this video talking about lifestyle. buti can tell you now; lifestyle is 75 percent of recovery. so this video is really about25 percent of recovery. so if you haven't got the lifestyle right, all of the advicei've given you is all a waste of time. getting to bed on time as soon as you're fatiguedor tired, you need to get to bed. relaxing when you eat your meals. chewing properly.learning to laugh a lot more about life and not take things seriously. keeping away frompharmaceutical medications. keeping away from negative people. going for walks once or twiceper day or actively engaging in exercise. avoiding toxic or negative people. doing somethingyou love to do. i mean i love my job. i love

making videos. i love seeing patients. i couldn'timagine doing anything else. so enjoying your life is going to really mean that your brainis talking well with your gut and your gut is talking well with your brain. the patientsi see with the best digestive systems are usually happy people. they're happy with theirlife. they're happy with their partners or their job. you've got to be happy, otherwise,it's just not going to work for you. now, we're coming to an end with this video,so i want you to check out and please do my quiz. be sure to do my candidaquiz if you haven't already done that. just to remind you to click on the link down belowin the description box to get your free 13-page report on the candida foods. it's a reallygood summary and more on what we spoke about

in this video. also, don't forget to checkout canxida, my line of candida dietary supplements, which i think are a perfect compliment tothe diet and the lifestyle. after working with so many thousands of patients,i've worked out that people need the best kind of foods, they need the ultimate kindof lifestyle, and they need the best kind of supplements. and that's why i created thecanxida range for people like you to compliment this kind of dietary approach. you can oftendo this at home and get yourself well without going to see a doctor. it's quite simple.just follow the protocol as i've outlined at and i think with theright food, the right attitude, the right lifestyle, the right supplement; you're goingto get a perfect outcome.

atkins diet menu for induction phase,

don't forget to subscribe to my channel andkeep giving me some feedback on the kind of videos that you want. i hope that was a goodreply for you, joel from chicago. it was a long-winded reply, but i hope you've reallygained some good information out of this video. thanks for tuning in.


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