atkins diet menu for induction

atkins diet menu for induction

my name is christine marquette and i'm a registereddietitian with the austin regional clinic and i'm going to talk to you about doing theatkins diet while breastfeeding. phase one of the atkins diet can put your body intoa state of ketosis. there hasn't been a lot of research done on breastfeeding women whoare in this particular state. the only research that has been done has been in uncontrolleddiabetics who are actually in ketoacidosis which is a little bit different. some of thesame things can happen as far as your body forming ketones but again because it is indiabetics it's different than in somebody who does not have diabetes and still reachesthat point of ketosis. even though technically breastmilk does contain some ketones in it,it's not known how a woman in that state,

how that would actually affect her breastmilk, if it would increase the level of ketones, if it would change the quality of it, andagain, because this is affecting human infants, it wouldn't be ethical to actually form astudy and actually put people through to see what would happen to the infants. so becausewe don't really know what can happen it is definitely not advised to do the atkins dietparticularly the phase one diet, if you're going to be breastfeeding. in addition, youneed more energy when you are breastfeeding, so it's not advisable to do any type of weightloss diet at least in the first two months. typically after the first two months milkstores have been formed there actually working

atkins diet menu for induction,properly at that point. a healthy eating plan,maybe trying to lose half a pound to a pound

a week, could be done by someone who is overweightbut again, typically for most women, weight loss diets are not advised while they arebreastfeeding. so in particular avoid the atkins diet especially phase one while youare breastfeeding.


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