how do u go on a diet

how do u go on a diet

hey guys it's carlene from healthfully everafter and today i'm answering one of my most frequently asked questions: should i do ajuice cleanse or detox? i've been asked this everywhere from huffington post to interviewsto podcasts but when i got asked this again recently just this other week for a dc areapaper i was like, "okay, i've got to put all of this in one place for you guys so you havea resource." so today i'm going to go through three thingsyou need to know about juice cleanses and detoxes before you make your decision. thing number one you need to watch out foris that you need to be wary of big promises. juice cleanses and detox programs are notoriousfor having massive ridiculous claims. usually

the two most common ones are that you're goingto detox your body and that you're going to lose a ton of weight. and if was that easy,i think we'd all be doing that all the time. but it's just not. so as far as detoxing your body goes the firstthing you need to realize is that you actually detox your body every single day. your liver,your kidneys, your skin, they all go through a process that's personalized for you. the other part of that is that toxins arenever fully defined within a marketing scheme. meaning that they can make these claims, butthey can't be proven. and there's no scientific literature that shows that consuming juicesby themselves actually detoxes your body at

all! more than anything, having the wholepiece of produce, so like the whole apple compared to apple juice is going to be waybetter for you because it contains fiber which pushes it out of your body and as a dietitiani'm obviously obsessed with fiber. so for me, it would be having the whole pieceof produce over the juice itself. as far as the weight loss goes if you eat that manycalories of anything be it popcorn or chia seeds or squash, that's the same that's inthe juice cleanse you're going to lose the weight. the thing about juice cleanses isbecause there's a prescribed number of calories in these little bottles you don't get muchof a say so you're automatically consuming that many calories. more than anything peoplegain the weight back plus some after the cleanse.

thing number two you need to realize abouta juice cleanse or detox program is that while strict equals sexier it doesn't mean you've probably heard online or in your office when someone goes on a juice cleansepeople are like "good for you" but i'm like "what the hell"because even though it seemssexier to go on a juice cleanse it's actually not better for you. what we've found through studies like thenational weight control registry which tracks people who have lost and kept it off is thatsmall changes are actually the most successful ones. so while it's not sexy to say "oh mygosh i'm packing my lunch to day or i'm taking another 100 steps" those small changes aregoing to be what adds up to making more success

for you later. what i have found is that that 'stricter thing'is actually helpful for habit reset. i personally underwent a three day juice cleanse becausei was curious and what i found was that it was really good for resetting habits. if you'rethe type of person who needs a hard reset, a juice cleanse might be right for you. thing number three is that juicing is goodfor you in an every day sort of sense but not in a cleanse sort of way. i have theseall over my fridge, my husband takes them to work with him and i add juicing as a partof what i do every single day and not as a cleanse or a week long thing where i'm suffering.juicing as a whole i really like because it's

a good way to add produce that you may notbe getting. the nutrients that come with that especially the green ones if you're a supertaster juices are a super good way to sneak that in. and it's really convenient. so it'sgood for me if i'm on my way to work. having something i can automatically take that'sa good option available and it's a good hydrator. we are chronically dehydrated and what i'vefound is that having something as simple as a green juice which is kind of a fun treat,can be a great way to not only hydrate but it's great for your skin it's great for keepingyou full and it may help you realize that

how do u go on a diet,the snacking you're doing is actually stupidsnacking! down below in the description box i'm goingto link all the articles so you can read more

in depth on juicing and detoxes. and whatyou can do with the pulp from juicing, i have a recipe for that too!


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