how to go on a green smoothie diet

how to go on a green smoothie diet

hi everyone. getting healthy can be fun andeasy and the premise of any new healthy lifestyle is having greens in your diet. green smoothiesare a great way to do it. this is very pertinent information for any kind of naked lifestyle;the naked challenge is based on green smoothies. it’s about cleaning your body.the difference between green smoothie and a green juice is that green smoothie is veryfibrous. it has fruits, it’s very filling, and it’s a meal in itself. green juice isof course meal but you're going to need a little bit more afterwards. so it’s goodto have a green juice before you eat, probably half hour so that the nutrients can absorbinto the bloodstream. a green smoothie is actually a meal in itself.what is a green smoothie? fruits; we've got

citrus, pear; we can use apples or make things easy, you can even have pre-cut berries and pineapple and grapes as a sweetbase for your smoothie. and then we put in greens. we've got lettuce and cabbage andcucumber and kale and chard and celery and the oh, so beautifying bokchoy – a wonderfuladdition. then we have… we can always do green lettuces, romaine lettuce has an amazingamount of protein. who knew? parsley, very cleansing for the blood. and of course, sprouts– beautiful pea sprouts or any kind of sprout that is delicious for i've had a lot of people tell me that they are shying away from doing green smoothiesbecause they don’t have a high-powered four… what is it? four horsepower vitamix, blendtecand they don’t feel they're going to be

able to make smoothies. we’re going to doa little test here and we’re going to make it in a normal high-speed blender and thevitamix, we’ll make the exact same or similar recipes and see how they come out.okay, so let’s do these side by side. a side by side taste test, that’s what we’regoing to do. you want to put a liquid in first and you can put in water, you can put in coconutwater, and you can put in fresh pressed apple juice, you can put in orange juice. you canliterally put in anything as long as it’s pure and it’s clean. but for today, we’rejust going to put in some water and it’s about a cup to a cup and a half of liquidwill help process all the things that we’re going to put in here.okay. so that being said, how about we put

in about a handful of grapes for sweetness?grapes are great anti-oxidants, especially when they are in season. we’re kind of atthe end of the season here but when you can get concord grapes and they have the seedsin them, put the seeds in. if you have vitamix, put the seeds in because those are actuallyreally good for you as well. on this side, i think what we’ll do is bereally creative, take just enough of the tip off of the orange. leave some of the whitebecause the white has an amazing amount of nutrients that are not even found inside theorange and let’s throw that into the blender as well. let’s do half in this guy and halfin this guy. i think over here, we’ll do like more a vitamin c, berries and orangejuice as our base. whereas over here, we've

got the grapes, we've got the oranges. let’ssee, is this kind of how i make green smoothies. what would i like to put in? i have to beputting some pear. pears are really sweet and right now, they're tremendously in season.we can put in apples as well. apples break down as equally but they're super wonderfuland fibrous and good for you. put a little pear in here as well.okay, so we've got a bunch of fruit. i like to [0:04:03] things up. now this is a meyerlemon. i love meyer lemon. you could just squeeze the juice in like so or you can doexactly what we did with the orange, which is cutting to see outer skin off, leavingsome of the fruit on and throw it out in the blender. that’s one thing you should reallythink about when you're using a regular blender

as opposed vitamix. you can put the seedsin the vitamix, but you can't necessarily put the seeds in the… this high-poweredblender. it might not break down as well. okay, i'm just to add a little more of sweet.not everybody likes bananas, some people love bananas. i don’t like to do more than ahalf a banana or full banana at most. they're very filling, they're higher in sugar. youput the lighter things when you're eating a smoothie but this is just enough to giveit a great sweetness. i think what we should do is thrown in some high sulphur bokchoy.okay, and put the whole thing in there. and for this guy, because he's not able to breakthings down as well, we’re going to put in some lettuce and i think the vitamix canprobably handle some kale, one of my favourite

finds. let’s put in cabbage. cabbage hasthat kind of sulphurous smell that you think is going to be a little bit gassy for thesmoothie but it breaks down beautifully in a smoothie and it’s super nutrifying.a little red leaf lettuce to keep it fun. let’s see, and how about nice… let’sput a little… just a little bit of cucumber in this guy. there you go. and a beautifulpiece of chard. and we’ll put him in as well. alright, let the magic begin. cameramanwants me to slow down so i must slow down a little bit. okay, let’s just hope thisworks and i think it’s ever as it should be. remember, this is the unedited versionon the naked zone. okay, so let’s go down, look at all thecolors in here. alright, so we put the water

in so that it can blend and let’s see whatthis high-speed blender can do with these vegetables. the thing i love about this isthis isn't even a green smoothie now. i put some berries in and now, it’s a purple smoothie.i'm going to put a little bit more greens in. i was a little hesitant before becausethe canister was so full. i'm going to put a little bit more leaves in and then i thinkwe’re going to call this smoothie done. hmm, okay. i can't wait to try that one. takea look, a regular blender. let’s see, it’s smooth. it’s got a little bit of the berrychunks in it but i've never even seen the berries becompletely taken down by the vitamix.and here, we have the vitamix. we have cabbage, we have kale, we have chard. i think i'm goingto stick some bokchoy in here as well since

we been from the last one, and cucumber. okay,let’s see the magic of horsepower. and this is a true green smoothie, isn't it?and here we go, let’s pour that in. it’s a little smoother. it’s not as chunky. thereare no berries. it’s not comparing apples and apples. now this is a meal. this is anaked nourishment meal, breakfast, lunch, dinner. this is something that you can liveon for 10 days along with some other wraps – we’ll be showing you that – and thisis all in the naked challenge on the naked zone. i just love this so much. that is sodelicious. it’s like a milkshake. you don’t even taste the greens, that’s what the fruitreally does. it gives such a good flavour

how to go on a green smoothie diet,that you get so addicted to it. this was moregot the berries in it. it’s minorly chunky

but really, same texture more or there you have it. do not shy away from doing green smoothies, whether you have aregular blender or a high powered blender. you can do the naked challenge. i’ll seeyou next time.


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