how do u stick to a diet

how do u stick to a diet

when you hear the words weight loss, what'sthe first thought that comes to mind? here's what most of my clients say. weight loss = restrictionweight loss = deprivation weight loss = starvation why does it matter what you think? because: "eighty percent of success in anything ispsychology, the other 20% is mechanics." ~ tony robbins. so, if you think weight loss equals restriction,deprivation, and you see how

you’re doomed from the start? we have an emotional connection between ourbodies and food. that’s one reason why diets don’t work. diet and exercise are the mechanics of weightloss—the physical how-to’s—only 20% of the solution. if we don’t address the other 80% of weightloss (which is the mindset component) here’s what will happen. 1. you won't lose any weight at all. 2. if you do lose weight —- it will feellike a never ending struggle. achieving your

goal weight and maintaining it will be nextto impossible. 3. you’ll constantly’ll diet and exercise monday through thursday— then binge eat on friday, curseyourself out saturday and sunday, and start again on monday. (my hand's raised for all three. been there!) trying to lose weight without addressing mindsetis like driving with the emergency brake on. whenever you have a thought, neurons firein your brain and connect to other neurons to form a neuro-net. i have a minor in psychologyso bear with my nerdiness! these neuronets are where you have thoughts,feelings and ideas and they have a long-term

relationship with one another, because weknow that nerve cells that wire together, fire together. so if you’re constantly telling yourself:i'll never lose weight. i'm fat.i'm ugly. i'm unworthy of love. you’re re-wiring those neuronets on a dailybasis which will then form a long term relationship with all the other nerve cells. in a nutshell,these negative thoughts begin to affect your identity. they become you! here’s the kicker. we know, without a doubt,that the body follows the mind. it’s scientific

fact. so, if in your mind you think losingweight is hard…guess what, it will be. what if in your mind you associated weightloss with freedom and letting go of this burden that's been on your back for years, insteadof associating it with frustration and deprivation? you'd be unstoppable because your mind (the80%) will finally be in alignment with what you’re doing for your body, such as eatingright and exercising...the other 20%. so, in your mind, we need to break the longterm associations between weight loss and negative body image. here's one exercise to get you going. create a mantra for yourself that describeswho you want to be or how you want to feel.

say your mantra 20 times before you go tobed and 20 times when you wake up. doing this fires new nerve cells to create a new identity. for example: "i’m light, fit and energetic." another one is: “i love and accept myself as i am." you come up with a mantra that's most meaningfulto you. the only requirement is that it must be in the present tense.

how do u stick to a diet,so don’t say, “i will be light, fit andenergetic.” rather "i am light, fit and

energetic." in the comments below this video, let me knowwhat your mantra is. see you next time!


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