what are the best brain foods? in this video,i am going to give you my top ten favorite brain foods. here we go. hey, guys, ron white. maybe you saw me onthe national geographic show, brain games, or the history channel show, stan lee's superhumans. i'm a two-time usa memory champion and, when i was training for the usa memorychampionships in 2009, i lost 20 pounds. people always would say, "man, were you trainingfor a memory tournament or a marathon?" one of the reasons why is i was eating brain foodsand, during that time, i developed my top 10 brain foods and i'm going to give themto you right now. okay. the first brain food is to eat wholegrains. your brain is like any other part
of your body. it needs a steady supply ofenergy to function properly. the ability to focus and concentrate comes from a steady,adequate supply of energy in the form of glucose and we can get this from whole grains. soto get this, opt for brown cereals, wheat bran, or brown pasta. number two, eat oily fish. essential fattyacids cannot be made by the body and they must be obtained through a diet. the mosteffective omega 3s occur in fish as epa or dha. good sources of this oily fish are salmon,trout, mackerel, and herring. however, i am personally allergic to fish and i can't eatthis fish. you can also get this from flaxseed oil, pumpkin seeds, pumpkin seed oil, walnutoil, or just do what i do. i take the omega
3 pills. number three -- this one is one of my favorites-- blueberries. eat more blueberries. they have antioxidants in them that's going tobe beneficial for your brain. now, one tip on this. i suggest that you get blueberryconcentrate and mix that with water. that way, you don't have to eat 1,000 blueberriesa day. number four, here's one maybe you haven'theard of before -- tomatoes. eat more tomatoes. they protect against free radical damage toyour cells, which actually can lead to things like dementia and alzheimer's. so, have somemore tomatoes. number five, certain b vitamins -- b6, b12,and folic acid are going to be beneficial
to your memory. there was actually a studywith elderly patients and they gave one group b6, b12, and folic acid, and the other a placebo.when this two-year study was complete, they found that the group who had been given b6,b12, and folic acid had significantly less brain shrinkage. number six, walnuts. walnuts are the top nutfor brain health. they have a significantly high concentration of dha, a type of omega3 fatty acid. dha's been shown to protect the brains in newborns, improve cognitiveperformance in adults, and just a quarter cup of walnuts provides nearly 100% of therecommended daily intake of dha. number seven, avocados. i love avocados andi don't think they get enough credit for being
a good brain food. the avocado is a fattyfruit and it promotes healthy blood flow. this healthy blood flow is going to keep yourblood pressure lower and that is great for cognitive function. okay, guys, i got some good news for you onnumber eight. number eight is dark chocolate. studies show that 1/2 ounce to 1 ounce ofdark chocolate is beneficial to your brain and cognitive function. dark chocolate haspowerful antioxidant properties, which is helpful to your brain and it's also a naturalstimulant, which is going to stimulate your brain. number nine, broccoli -- it's not everybody'sfavorite food, but it is a good brain food.
broccoli is a great source of vitamin k andthat's going to improve your brain power. the last one, number ten, is one of my favoritesand the reason it is is because i love to eat curry -- the food, curry. curry has aspice in it known as turmeric and turmeric is fastly becoming one of the most popularbrain foods. now, here's a caveat with this. a lot of people are buying a turmeric pilland taking that, but you're not going to get the same benefit from it as if it was cookedin food. when it's cooked in food, it actually has a chemical reaction there and it's goingto be more beneficial to your brain and your memory. so, that's good news. i love to eatcurry. eat more curry. you'll get more turmeric and turmeric is going to be helpful to yourmemory.
so, guys, i hope you enjoyed that list ofmy top ten favorite brain foods. your brain is like any other part of your body. you'regoing to need to support it with good nutrition and exercise, and even some healthy brainfoods. i've compiled a list and a lot more free information on healthy brain foods. toget my complete list of top brain foods for free, click the link below or click righthere. [off-camera dialogue] hyperlink "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk3aaum7fje"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nk3aaum7fje the best brain foods that helps increase yourmemory page page 3 of numpages 3
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