how to edit songs

how to edit songs

now let's have a look at how we openfiles in audacity the place on the internet we've foundthese tutorial videos you'll also find a file called demo muscle dot mp3 and you need to download the file andput it in folder or put on your desktop summary can find it you know as i have an open here in frontof me now with the open the file in audacityall we need to do is drag and drop what i mean by that is you click on thefiling a whole the most button-down pc so i i don't see graham that

that uh... i con pull it over and drop it on audacity and there you go and opens upautomatically now that's the easiest way new to open a profile in audacity but aswith any application you can also go to file and use the open command under thefile menu but i find that's a little bit more cumbersome i'd just like to dragand drop but satyam now number that's that this file openletter to listen to it poop

or casein bonus the air that there'ssome sound at the beginning of meat ending in and this is out of the end some rattlingand some other background noises that we don't want so what we're going to learnin this lesson is how to take the sounds of heavy edit your sound hadaka ticksyou music so the first thing to do is learn how toselect now we're going to select part of thesong that we want to delete now first of all well sure havedisliking first the holdout on those ski amounts button

while holding it down the slide mavs yousee that ice with the mouse and i selected a hold of chunk of sam atthe beginning so now god now i want exuding on that soi can see little clear and the way you do that is you've got to this button right hereand as with all the buttons are destiny when you slide your mouse over the bun it will tell you what a little pop-upand i'll tell you what that means the buttons for and this will of course is feet existedselection

in the mail so i just made a selection and now tothe fifth that blowing up into the window develop so now if i push play i'll hear all methat selection it'll stop at the end of my selections let's check that out you know it's a stock trade the end ofthis election if we can see here is listened blankspace of the day we don't want to ms one two three four me counting so i'd know that around right here

we're just put the line right here is a bill with a music startsso what i'm going to do now is i'm going to select all the sound i don't want andagain i'm holding my mesquite downers and sliding deciding all the way over tothe beginning and let go so now this is a sound i don't want now the way to get rid of it eazy-e_ too sick to delete key on yourcomputer and regards deleted and now if we push play from the verybeginning on rewind i'll push play and

you'll hear that all that unwanted senator beginningis now going to be gone okay at the stop thanks indeed majorcourse on but that's nice and timing out thebeginning its in there's no way gary just beginning similar scroll over to the end of thescientists lighting that scrolling bird on the bottom only to the end and you'llnotice that there is some noise at the end we don't want as well so once again i'm going to clicksomewhere near the end of the sound that

i want an enormous homanus button downon a slide all the way over to the end and then 'em i'm once again going to click thebutton that's that's called fit selection in the mail and that blows up that so we can have alook and once again if i could find yet push play i'll hear only my selectionceleste this airplane adolescence okay so we heard a last little to trimthe tumor so and then we heard some noises so onceagain we're going to select apart we don'twant so i'm going to move a little bit

away from might last a sound if you a little bit over and i'm going to select all the way tothe end of the employment niskanen sliding and then once again to delete you get to the key anycomputer and here you go now it's gone so now let's go back it was great forthe beginning of the song haha rewind it's great to the beginning and listento the entire peace now that we've got

the the u_n_ the end in the beginning tied up a uh... much nicer now do you learn how to do some basicediting in that city we're gonna have a look at the using audacity to fade out

what we have to do first is we need todo select the part of the music that we won to be feeding okay so let's within the ending shesimply so that so i dislike that part of the music can goto the end now this might not musically make muchsense cousin going to cutting music off you can't run for needs to come out butthis is just for the purpose of this demonstration you'll notice that i selected butholding on this kingdom and they also got to effects or effect

is going to give you a whole pile ofaffects the and you can use and you can play with these u_n_ there is some ofour very useful or anybody on two feet and now watch what happens in a click thatbutton see that could lower the volume you seeit made the way from the lower so now let's have a listen to what we just did you notice that the music faded downlet's go back a little further into the pieces into it again uh...

you see soon in nice in tiny weeny fattycity state in the music out now let's try the same day fitting in under such a peace at the beginning onceagain by sliding my mess with the button cal down and i've been able to affect and it was down to feeding in you see what happened you can tellvisually from the waveform that it starts off at silencing those getslouder and louder so now let's have a listen to that i'mrewind the beginning of a system to the

whole peace now what are fading in andour feet out belt not bad now that that may not bemake news that may not make musical sense of the in their specially where weconduct certificate and old early but you can use your own judgment there so that's fading in and fading out okay the last thing we're going to talkabout in this video is how to save your music in audacity now there are two ways to save usingcannot estimate the first

way is for when you're working in in on aproject and you're not completed the project so in that what as you work and you're going towant to making changes in your going to want to leave things open so that you know you're not lockedin to any final product and the way you do that is by doing saveproject okay and that's on the file menu

messages click cc project when clicked that wanting us you willget a warning sign awarding screen and that tells us basically what it is said to you that inaudacity when you save it as a project they will allow you to make changes intoall kinds of things with it but most of their applications can't open up and audacity project onthe audacity so will click ok move on

and the save this file as of demo muscles dot a ups you can seedown here in the name of the file name window marketing now what they did it saved him all mysettings all the things i've done that my slider settings and everything withinour debt it's saved all those setting so want to come back i can start rightwhere i left off now let's say for example you'refinished your project and you want to put it into a form thatyou can give to somebody else you can

put on a cd or put on a website then you're going to want to do adifferent sort of say gee i want to export nyu go to the file menu again and into export as we've now we files replayed on all kinds ofcomputers you can give in to other people who listen to and their really easy to work with so and and that's a good and then youjust give it a name

demo muscles dot waves and you clickseasonable seem to find them now but some of you may have seen whenyou go to the following you tears a export as in p three optionthere as well and you may say oh i know entries are download those on theinternet well you can also export is ninety three butin order to do that there are some changes you had to make in our destinyso if you want to learn how to export is ninety three then there's another video another roomtutorial

how to edit songs,

that i'll be that that's the erbil for you to watch showing how to export in p three spin onthis seek must have been yoked learned how to do that


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