how to gaps diet
hi, guys. i'm dr. josh axe, doctor of naturalmedicine and founder of in this video, i'm going to share with you the foursteps to beat fibromyalgia. i'll share with you fibromyalgia diet, the fibromyalgia naturalremedies, as well as the best supplements to take. and i guarantee you if you followthese tips, you can see results in as little as 24 hours in getting relief from the painyou're experiencing with fibromyalgia. now, let's talk about the diet first. whenit comes to fibromyalgia, you want to reduce inflammation. and the causes of fibromyalgiatend to be inflammation in the body. sometimes it can be related to, with some people, autoimmune-likereactions in the body so we really need to settle down the immune system. also, fibromyalgiacan be caused from ligament laxity.
when you have too much ligament laxity, ifyou've ever been physically abused, or been in a car accident, that can cause it, and,of course, emotional things as well can cause major health issues, and cortisol and hormoneimbalance in the body. so with what i'm going to share with you in this video, i'm goingto help you get to the root cause of healing fibromyalgia for good. so let's jump backto diet. we've got to follow a diet that reduces inflammation but also helps repair damagedtissues. you know this if you're experiencing're experiencing constant pain and tenderness throughout the body. well, we want to reduceinflammation, but you also want to give your body the specific nutrients it needs to rebuildthose healthy tissues. so to rebuild the healthy
tissues, you need more collagen in your diet.we know collagen helps strengthen your cell structure. and there's a big thing you'remissing in your diet today and that's bone broth and collagen. now bone broth, you can get this in the formof liquid form or in bone broth protein powder, but we know bone broth contains the aminoacids proline, glycine, and glutamine, which are responsible for tissue repair. so if you'renot getting bone broth in your diet, that's the number one superfood you need to starthealing fibromyalgia. and so bone broth is easy to make. you take some bones from beef,or cartilage and tendons and bones from chickens, you put it in a crock pot with water for 24to 48 hours, or in a pressure cooker, you
let it go with some water, and it basicallypulls out the vitamins and minerals from those bones. and you've then got a liquid that youcan help heal your body. but you don't have to make it yourself. you can simply orderit or get it in a powder form, and add about three tablespoons to a smoothie. but the numberone healing food for fibromyalgia is bone broth protein powder. the next food you need are foods rich in omega-3fatty acids, such as wild caught salmon, other forms of fish, such as halibut and mackerel,also grass-fed beef contains omega-3 fats, and then certain nuts and seeds, such as flaxseeds,chia seeds, and walnuts. get more omega-3s to reduce inflammation; it is key in healingfibromyalgia. also, getting more fruits and
vegetables, and specifically i don't recommenda lot of raw foods if you have fibromyalgia, more cooked foods. the ideal food for youis a warm bone broth soup, with some organic chicken, lot of veggies that are made in acrockpot, a warm, nourishing food is ideal for anyone with fibromyalgia. also gettingmore green, leafy vegetables and berries in your diet, nutrient-dense foods like that,are fantastic. so that's the type of diet you want to followspecifically. now, in terms of supplements, here are some of the best things for fibromyalgia.number one, without a doubt, is magnesium. now not just any magnesium, you want to geta magnesium chelate or a magnesium oil. now you can get a magnesium oil, rub it in yourskin, it gets directly into your body. in
fact, for most people, they absorb and dobetter with a magnesium oil than they do taking a magnesium capsule supplement. but magnesium is known as the relaxation mineralso it's one of the best supplements for helping you heal fibromyalgia. you typically wantto take about 300 to 500 milligrams a day or you want to rub, do about 30 sprays onyour body of magnesium oil. and another great thing to do, by the way, a lifestyle tip,is to get a cup of epsom salts, 20 drops of lavender essential oil, soak in a bath threenights a week, and then you're getting the magnesium that way, as well as the lavenderoil, which helps your body and muscles relax as well. other supplements that are important,vitamin d-3. we know vitamin d-3 supports
your immune system, it's important for hormonebalance, it's the second most important supplement for healing fibromyalgia. i recommend 5000ius daily. the next group of supplements is vitamin bcomplex. now, the most important of those is typically vitamin b-12, and vitamin b-12really helps support neurological functions. it supports your brain, your spinal cord,helps in balancing out pain. but i highly recommend you get a good quality vitamin bcomplex, and ideally, it's organic. so look for an organic b complex supplement, anothergreat supplement for naturally treating fibromyalgia. and then a few other things. again, essential oils are great, chamomileoil, ylang-ylang oil, lavender essential oil
is good to use. and then one other naturaltreatment i want to share with you when it comes to treating fibromyalgia is doing somethingcalled prolotherapy, or prp, or stem cell. now prolotherapy is for lax ligaments. andif you've ever been in a car accident, or abused or had any type of injury, that cancause fibromyalgia, and so what happens is your ligaments should help be supporting yourspine and your different muscles and ligaments. well, if those get loose, then your muscleshave to work even harder, which causes trigger points and muscle spasms. so prolotherapy can help in treating what i would do is look up prolotherapy in your area. prolotherapy is where they'reinjecting glucose into you, or taking some
of your own blood, taking just the plasmaout, re-injecting your plasma into you, but that plasma helps the healing process. ithelps speed healing, it's great for that reason. and also, a few other things that can help,acupuncture is great, as well as certain types of corrective chiropractic care because it'shelp restoring your spine, the normal posture and spinal curvatures, which can take pressureoff the muscles, reducing muscle pain. so remember, if you're going to beat fibromyalgia,number one, follow that diet i shared with you. also, look for some of these naturaltreatments. and if you want to learn more
how to gaps diet,information, go to my website,,it's, and just do a search for fibromyalgia. i have a written plan there. also, subscribeto the youtube channel here. i've got a lot
more great videos that are going to teachyou the best natural cures and remedies to take your health back. hey, thanks for watching.
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