how to stick to your new year's resolution diet

how to stick to your new year's resolution diet

hi. i’m lorie marrero, creator of the clutterdiet book and on-line program, and today i want to talk to you about that new year’sresolution hangover you have. it’s the end of january and those resolutions may be fizzlingout by now and you need to rekindle the spark. so let’s talk about three ways that youcan do that. i’m going to share with you something thati’ve been trying to change. i have some serious foot pain, i have planter fasciitis,and i’m [pop] a runner so that’s a real problem for me. it’s been a real problemfor probably about 18 months. and i’ve gone to various specialists, but i’ve just kindof given up after a while and i need to fix this. so my new year’s resolution was toheal my foot. and i honestly have just let

that go now until the end of january. andi’ll tell you what motivated me, and that’s my first point – get motivated. get in touchwith your real motivation. what motivated me was the weather. the weather has been outstandinghere in austin. the last week or so it’s been gorgeous, and it’s just crushing methat i can’t be out on the trails at least walking and enjoying this beautiful sunshine. so, you know, change itself is not usuallyenough of a motivator to really stick. so the idea of just making a resolution usuallyisn’t enough fuel for the fire to keep you going through the months ahead. so get intouch with that real reason. for me, it was, “oh my gosh, i really want to be outside,”and that’s what made me take action. the

action i took was to get specific. so i hadseen a few different doctors, i’ve had some different treatments, i’ve had some adviceand some exercises that were given to me by people like chiropractors and physical therapists,and i had done some of it for a little while, but i’ve never kind of put all of it togetherinto a comprehensive plan. for example, i’m supposed to wear this night splint thing wheni go to sleep, and i’m supposed to roll my foot on this lacrosse ball and work outsome trigger points in my calf, and i just wasn’t doing all of that as a comprehensiveplan. so people often will say something like, “get organized,” is what they want todo, but what does that mean? so, “heal my foot,” what does that mean? it meant thati needed to sit down and [pop] and go over

all of my notes, all the advice i’ve beengiven, books that i’ve read, and put all of that together into a four-parts-a-day thingthat i have to do, and that meant that these pieces of advice all came together to makea treatment plan that actually is working. so now i’m not having any foot pain, i’mout on the trails, and this is going very well. and then the third thing you need to thinkabout to keep going is getting feedback. so you may have an automatic feedback loop likei do with this situation. if my foot hurts, i’m not doing it right. and then you alsomay create an artificial feedback loop for yourself by using an accountability if you need someone to ask you how it’s

going, to keep you accountable for your progress,get that accountability partner, grab a friend, tell them what you’re trying to do, andhave them ask you at regular intervals how it’s going. so get motivated, get specific, and get feedback.and if you want help we can help you in our member message board area. we have a programon-line that’s helped thousands of people

how to stick to your new year's resolution diet,in 18 countries around the world. we’rereally proud to be there seven days a week to help you, and we’d love to get that sparkback in your new year’s resolution. so come see us at see you next time, and may you always be happyand grateful for having more than enough.


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